Women Refugees Community in Zambia
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Newsletter Archive Page

Extra, extra!

Our online newsletter contains news about organizational activities along with articles relevant to our organization's mission. On this page, we'll include links to the most recent edition of our newsletter, as well as to back editions.

Most Recent Newsletter

As we informed you in our last report that some
refugees women were in training in business management
which they have accomplished on November 15th, because
of insufficience funds, only four of them were been
loaned on November 20th. Others they were asked to
wait until the organization will find funds to support
them.As The four loaned will start to refund only
after six months on rythm of 20% per month.

The Refugees women elected last month as the Cities
co-ordinators are working closely in their respective
Cities and their works are highly appreciated by the
population as while they spreeding the word of no
violence and rape, they are accompagnied by the
theatral culture group whom is mixed just in order to
convince people about the reality which is getting the
refugees women as well as the all women of the world.
Attached are 5 photos of activities.

The Plight

Organization such as the Women Refugees Community in Zambia(WORECZ) reports that immigrant and refugees women
are particularly vulnerable to domestic violence since language barriers and fear of immigration
authorities often prevent these women from seeking assistance from police or victim advocates.
Cultural factors may also discourage them from asserting their legal rights. For some undocumented
female immigrants and refugees, maintaining the relationship with their abuser is sometimes the only way they avoid
deportation and remain in Zambia.

Subscription Information

Here we might include information on how to receive our newsletter via e-mail.

For your incription,suscrib in writting a letter to worecz by clicking here in order to send this e-mail address to us.